To store the information to the current session/connection, use the following command:
To retrieve the value, use the following function:
SELECT context_info()
context_info able to store upto 128 bytes of information. The only thing is that you must learn how to work with bitwise operator.
First thing you have to do with context_info is to define the meaning of each "box". For example, you need to implement 4 hidden features. Then, the value will look like "0x0000" where "0x" indicates it is hex value and you can't use these two character to store any information. But, the 4 digits after "0x", you are freely to define the meaning.
- 1st box - if "1" means enable the debugging mode. Otherwise, "0".
- 2nd box - could be defined as "1" to log down the process details.
- 3rd box - could be defined as "1" to print the runtime value in the IDE.
- 4th box - could be defined as "1" to rollback the process so that it won't disturb the test data.
Some modification is required in your stored procedure:
@info varbinary(128),
@debug_mode int,
@rollback_data int
select @info = context_info()
if @info & 0x1000 = 0x1000
select @debug_mode = 1
select @debug_mode = 0
if @info & 0x0001 = 0x0001
select @rollback_data = 1
select @rollback_data = 0
(..contine your process here..)
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