Friday, October 26, 2018

Running the same stored procedure sequentially

Use the following system stored procedure to block the same stored procedure from running concurrently.


Finally, you must call the following so that next process is allowed to run the same stored procedure.


  • The above system stored procedures must be running within a database transaction.
  • If @@lock_timeout is -1, then, sp_getapplock will be block until it has been released and commit/rollback must be called. 
  • If @@lock_timeout is not -1, then, the result will be less than zero (failed). But, sometimes it returns "> 0" (i.e., successfully get he app lock) and on the other hand it might fail to lock the "record in the table". In this case, error #1222 will be raised by SQL server.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Getting the deadlock details

In SQL 2012, you may query the deadlock details with the following SQL statement:

SELECT XEvent.query('(event/data/value/deadlock)[1]') AS DeadlockGraph
FROM ( SELECT XEvent.query('.') AS XEvent
       FROM ( SELECT CAST(target_data AS XML) AS TargetData
              FROM sys.dm_xe_session_targets st
                   JOIN sys.dm_xe_sessions s
                   ON s.address = st.event_session_address
              WHERE = 'system_health'
                    AND st.target_name = 'ring_buffer'
              ) AS Data
              CROSS APPLY
              AS XEventData ( XEvent )
      ) AS src;

The following query is for SQL2008:

SELECT  CAST(event_data.value('(event/data/value)[1]',
                               'varchar(max)') AS XML) AS DeadlockGraph
FROM    ( SELECT    XEvent.query('.') AS event_data
          FROM      (    -- Cast the target_data to XML
                      SELECT    CAST(target_data AS XML) AS TargetData
                      FROM      sys.dm_xe_session_targets st
                                JOIN sys.dm_xe_sessions s
                                 ON s.address = st.event_session_address
                      WHERE     name = 'system_health'
                                AND target_name = 'ring_buffer'
                    ) AS Data -- Split out the Event Nodes
                    CROSS APPLY TargetData.nodes('RingBufferTarget/
                    AS XEventData ( XEvent )
        ) AS tab ( event_data )

For more details about deadlock and resolution, please read the following article: